Wednesday, August 1, 2018


Randomly came across this blog when searching for open domains for an unrelated work project. Forgot this was a thing.

2013-July 2018 Update:
  • WhoisMikeS @ Tumblr hit 10 years old!...with little content update
  • I've moved through numerous jobs, physically moved out of my condo to a real house, managed to cram in having 2 kids into that timeframe, and worked for 3+ years in NYC - which while a great experience involved quite a bit of travel (4 hour daily commute, at the least)
  • Got engaged...then wedding plans shot with aforementioned child, then new house, then new child, and 3 new 5 years running now?
  • Still heavily involved in data analytics, and still digging into SEO/ORM now and again
  • Basically abandoned twitter -while it exists and my account is live, I can't justify using it all that often (too much spam/junk) - but do need to crosslink

Now that we're out of crazy-baby mode & house is (mostly) settled/done, will spend more time here. Would like to see this come back up on Google's algorithms again. 

Also this is a fantastically easy & improved way to create/update the blog vs what it was 5+ years ago.
